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Creating the space to age-in-place

Many seniors are deciding that, rather than move to a managed community, they’d rather age-in-place. The trend has become so popular that there’s even a website to help people create an age-in-place plan.

But continuing to live at home doesn’t mean seniors will stay where they are. Most will  find new, most likely smaller, homes where they can live easily and safely. And that means they’re going to have to reduce their amount of  “stuff”.

The idea of downsizing is always challenging. So here are 5 questions you can ask your clients to get them in the mindset of rightsizing, and help them create the perfect space to age-in-place.

1.  Does this item bring you joy?
Marie Kondo, author of  “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” suggests that every single thing in a home should bring its owner joy. Letting go of things that don’t bring you joy creates space and releases energy.

2.  Does this item have a current purpose?
Almost anything might be useful some day. This question asks, “Is it useful right now?”  If it’s not, it’s purpose is to be somewhere else!

3. Does this item have an appropriate place to live?
Is there ample space for this item? Will you  know where to look for it when you want it? Will you be able to retrieve it when you need it? Having things stuffed in closets is not appropriate for people who are not easily able to climb ladders. Think if this object be accessible when you need it.

4.  Is this item paying its “rent”?
You pay for the space to house it and maintain everything in your home. So why pay to hold on to things you use only occasionally?  If you need something only once or twice a year, it probably makes more sense to rent or borrow it rather than pay for it year round.

5. Is there someone who would value this item as much or more than I do?
As the well-worn adage goes, it is better to give than receive. And how much better to give something you have loved to someone else who will love it and use it even more!

Aging-in-place is a great idea. Getting stuck in one place is not. If you know anyone who needs help moving through the rightsizing process, I would be happy to offer my services. You can reach me here.

Or, ask me to deliver my very popular presentation, The Upside of Downsizing at your office. Contact me for more details!